Tuesday 30 August 2011

Eric Walters

So if you have been teaching in Ontario the past few years you will know that the focus has been on encouraging and increasing the number of boys that read/like to read. So when looking for an author that could appeal to boys I found Eric Walters to be the perfect fit. I can't take all the credit for this as my first year mentor suggested Eric Walters books but I certainly quickly fell in love with his writing. I must admit I'm not a huge fictional reader in my spare time ( I know, I know, I'm a teacher how dare I!) but Mr. Walters has certain drawn me in, as well as my students. The first book that I read and consequently read to my students was We All Fall Down (I will review this book in a later post with some lesson ideas). I have read three others since then which have all captivated me and kept me so interested that I read each book in a day or two. The books that I have read all have male main characters and create suspense and use wonderful word choice to draw the readers in. A little bit about Mr. Walters is that he was an Ontario school teacher, he still lives in Ontario and a good portion of his books are historical fiction including topics such as survival and natural disasters. Mr. Walters has won many awards if you ever read any of his books you will know why. He has his own website http://www.ericwalters.net/ and even does school visits. If you are ever so lucky to have one of these visits I do hope you share your experiences.

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